
- We reserve the right to remove and dispose of all fresh and artificial flowers that are faded, discolored or in a state of deterioration.
- No glass, ceramic or plaster vases are permitted on graves.
- Please do not place any dirt, sand, gravel, rocks, cement, casting plaster, metal or marbles in floral vases provided by Cemetery. Styrofoam is permitted. Borders of any type around headstones and/or graves are strictly prohibited.
- Do not place ceramic, plaster, glass, plastic or metal figurines, toys or wire of any kind on the graves, only adornments’ less than 18 inches tall may be placed in vases.
- Do not place crosses or other wood, metal, ceramic or plastic grave location markers on graves. Only headstones and temporary grave markers approved by the Cemetery are permitted . Exceptions to these regulations are: Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, and Christmas Day. Special decorations on these holidays must be removed by the following week. The Cemetery or its employees shall not be responsible for anything of a breakable or movable nature that becomes broken or stolen including flowers or any decoration.
- The Cemetery Manager shall at his/her discretion and without notice remove decorations from any plot which may create a safety hazard or cause additional maintenance burdens. This shall apply particularly to multiple decorations placed on a grave site.
- The Cemetery shall have the right to remove all objects whose appearance and condition warrant removal and/or violate the Cemetery’s rules and regulations. The Cemetery also will not be liable for any flower or decoration removed or lost by any cause.
- The Cemetery will remove all grave decorations twice annually. The first week of May and the last week of November.
By order of the Board of Trustees. West Side Cemetery District: Revised October 19, 2021
- The West Side Cemetery grounds are open to the public from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- No burial, entombment or inurnment will be made, until all charges have been paid at least one full business day preceding the service.
- Orders to open graves, crypts, or niches must be signed by a member of the family of the deceased at least one business day preceding burial, entombment or inurnment.
- Burial, entombment or inurnment will not be conducted in the Cemetery without a permit from proper authorities.
- An approved concrete outer burial container or metal receptacle shall be used in every interment.
- The remains or cremains of the deceased shall be brought to the Cemetery in a closed casket, urn or other approved container.
- The opening or closing of a grave, crypt, niche or the placement of any marker, plant, tree or any other ornament or device, shall be made by employees of the Cemetery District only.
- All burial times and days must be approved in advance by the Cemetery. The District will not honor burial times or days provided to the public by a Funeral Director unless the burial day and time has previously been approved by the Cemetery. Final committal services shall not begin before 9:00 a.m. or later than 3:00 p.m. Final committal services on Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. may be made upon payment of the surcharge fixed by the Board of Trustees. No interments will be made on Sunday or the following legal Holidays: New Years, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and any other day that the President of the United States, the Governor of California or the Board of Trustees of the West Side Cemetery District declares a Legal holiday.
- Multiple depth interments are not permitted.
- The Cemetery District, its Board of Trustees and all individual members of said Board, the Manager and all other personnel of the District, shall not be responsible for injury or damage sufferd by andy person, including children in their use of the Cemetery grounds . Any person visting the Cemetery shall do so at their own risk.
- Only flat type granite or marble grave markers shall be used in the Cemetery. Markers must be made of the best granite or marble. The Cemetery District requires all grave markers to be set in concrete, with a concrete border around all four sides, to keep them from being damaged by lawnmovers, edgers and trimmers. Only markers with square, smooth edges can be properly set flush in a concrete base. If you are ordering a Government furnished veteran’s marker, only flat granite or marble will be accepted. Only bronze markers shall be used on mausoleum crypts. Niche urns may have painted or inscribed inscriptions.
- Approved headstones will be limited in size as follows:
Single Grave Markers shall be no larger than 12″ x 20″ x 3″ or 12″ x 24″ x 3″
Double grave markers shall be no larger than 12″ x 40″ x 3″ or 16″ x 36″ x 3″
Baby grave markers shall be no larger than 10″ x 14″ x 3″
Rules governing floral decorations and other decorations are posted at the entrances to the Cemetery grounds and posted on front of office.
- Animals must remain on paved areas and be leashed or otherwise restrained while on Cemetery grounds. Exceptions to this rule are service animals as defined by the American’s with Disabilities Act. Handler is responsible to promptly discard any excrement left by His/Her animal.
Rules governing Animals are posted at the entrances to the Cemetery grounds and posted on front of the office.